IMQP Joint Course – Isernia 2025
The IMQP Joint Course 2025, titled "Applied Methodologies for Quaternary Studies", will take place from March 2nd to 10th at the Centro Europeo di Ricerche Preistoriche (CERP) in Isernia. This 6 ECTS course combines lectures, laboratory work, and field visits, culminating in a mini-congress where students will present their research. Participants will engage with leading international scholars and gain hands-on experience in scientific communication, data analysis, and experimental archaeology.
December 10th-20th 2024
Final exam and 20 years clebrations.
Les Eyzies de Tayac-Sireuil, France, September 15-18, 2024
The application made by the IMQP master to the EACEA has beeb selecte fof funding and we will have a new full partner: The University of the Philippines Diliman. Thanks to the Erasmus Mundus Programme
2004-2024: The IMQP master's program turns 20! thanks to the Erasmus Mundus program to everyone who has supported us and to all our students!
February 26th - March 8th 2024
February 26th – 29th 2024
ONLINE – Theorical courses
Each day, 2 lessons of 45 minutes – themes on methodology and key sites excavated by the institutions
PLATFORM: Google Meet – videos uploaded at the end of the course on the IMQP YouTube channel.
Objective – organisation of a mini-congress on “Applied methodologies for Quaternary’s studies” managed and organized by the students (practical organization, presentation, ecc). The students (divided in groups) will have to prepare and present a communication during the congress.
Museums, Landscapes and Governance
APHELEIA 10th International Seminar 13-22 March 2024
This year the seminar aims to bridge, from an intersisciplinary and transdisciplinary framework, theoretical approaches and academic and community-based practices, through time, on the role f heritage and museums or relates structures in scoiety, beyond the so-called "cultural sector"
The course is aimed at illustrating the main areas of research pursued by partner institutions.
on the youtube channel of the master the videos made by students are availables
The course is held from February 28th to April 14th 2022 and is divided into 3 modules. The first, online, will deal with issues related to methodologies and prehistoric sites excavated by partner institutions. The second, in presence at the CERP of Isernia, will end with the organization by the students of a congress. The third, online, is aimed at the preparation and discussion of a scientific article by the students.
The final exam will take place at the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Ercole I d’Este 32 – Ferrara – Room 1A (ground floor).
The online session will be in this link:
IMQP Students participate to the EMA's Project "Inter-Connected Fostering Positive Intergroup Contact and Youth Leadership through Intercultural Competence"
Since 2016, the International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory (IMQP) course about Southeast Asian Prehistory evolved into an international training oriented towards current challenges in the concerned field in terms of scientific research, conservation, development, tourism and involvement of local communities. As for example, the Human Origins Heritage (HOH) participatory school was organized in 2018 and 2019 together with Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (Salatiga, Java, Indonesia), a partner of the IMQP consortium. It included a stay in the field for students, teachers, and heritage professionals from various institutions.
Course Topics:
1) Analytical methods for the study of Prehistoric Art (Pierluigi Rosina – IPT – ; Sara Garces – IPT -
2) New methods applied to the paleoanthropology (Julie Arnaud – UNIFE –; Carlos Lorenzo – URV –
3) Methods of analysis of the taphonomical aspects and sedimentation processes in different environments (Christophe Falguères - MNHN –; Pierre Voinchet – MNHN -; Anne-Marie Sémah - MNHN -
4) High-resolution proxies and techniques to study human diets and paleoecology ( Florent Rivals – URV -
5) Analysis of the archaeological record of the continental and insular SE Asia from Late Pleistocene to Holocene (François Sémah - MNHN –; Thomas Ingicco – MNHN –; Xavier Gallet – MNHN –; )
6) The contribution of the experimental approach to the study of lithic assemblages (Marta Arzarello – UNIFE –; David Pleurdeau – MNHN –; Sara Daffara – UNIFE –
7) Microscopy and microanalysis for the study of lithic industries (Robert Sala – URV –; Gabriele Berutti – UNIFE –
Welcome to the IMQP joint course Introduction to Prehistory and Quaternary Sciences!
In this e-class you will find 12 videos (associated to an in-depth document) that will help you to better understand the basic concepts of prehistory and to better know the partners universities!
Watch the videos and study the contents of the ppts.
Prepare a video about yourself and your favourite field of research. The video must be no longer than 3 minutes and you have to focus on yourself and on one of the keywords proposed by the professors. Before November 23th you must send your video to The video will be published in the virtual class and (only if you agree) on the YouTube channel of the master.
In November we will organize live discussion with the professors in order to ask questions and to go deeper on some arguments.
At the on December 14th at 19,00 (Italian time) you will have an online quiz about the contents of the professor's video and ppt.
The evaluation will be done on the basis of the videos and on the results of the online test. For the course you will obtain 8 ECTS.
The dates for the live discussions (all on google meet at this address: are the following:
November 17th h. 19,00 (Italian time). Professors online: Robert Sala, David Pleurdeau, Julie Arnaud, Pierluigi Rosina
November 19th h. 19,00 (Italian time). Professors online: Luiz Oosterbeek, François Sémah, Sara Daffara, Florent Rivals
November 26th h. 19,00 (Italian time). Professors online: Christophe Falguères, Sara Garces, Marta Arzarello, Carlos Lorenzo
Within the #Erasmusday2020 the IMQP is organizing an event Octoeber 16th: “THE FIRST PREHISTORIC PEOPLING OF EUROPE: WHEN THE LEARNING AGREEMENT WAS NOT NEEDED TO DO ERASMUS!” - The event will be divided into two parts, an online conference, about the first European peopling, organized by teachers and students of the International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory and an online quiz (a splendid gift will be sent to the winner). The online meeting will be on October 16th at 15,00 (CEST – Italian time) hosted by the google meet platform: Be ready with your smartphone or laptop because the IMQP quiz will be hosted by kahoot (
The students worked in mixed groups on topics given by the teachers of the master. The students developed a written essay and then presented their research orally.
The first on-line course of the IMQP will start! be ready for an immersive experience.
The course was posponed due to the Covid- 19 Emergency - Human Origins Heritage (HOH) is a multi- and interdisciplinary program that offers direct experience by
immersing the student into Prehistory Sites and local societies. This program is validated with 9 ECTS for
European partners of Erasmus Mundus International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory and 3 SKS for
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW), associated partner for the Master. The project is also
integrated in Erasmus International Mobility Credits project between Muséum national d’histoire
naturelle (MNHN) and Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW).
The course was postponed due to the Covid-19 emergency
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them