Students and teachers’ mobility among partners is arranged according to the curricula addresses chosen by the students. This promotes the transfer of knowledge.  

Mobility will be encouraged by the availability of free or low cost apartments at each partner institutions’. This mobility will be available for the entire year, and also at summer time when full immersion study activities will be included in the program in summer schools (15 days minimum duration) together with participations in explorations in the country side (excavations, etc.). These initiatives will be particularly favorable for expected stage activities and for those activities concerning a final report compilation (final exam).

The development of at least 35% credits at a different partners’ (different from the one the student is registered) will be arranged by the Teachers’ Board on each student’s specific request. The evaluation of the selected courses will be in accordance with the curricula chosen by the same student.

A constant mobility (among partners) of students coming in and going out will be balanced in order to promote exchanges to all directions.

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